Here’s something!

This is a strange feeling, but I got the urge to write something, and this is that! You see I’ve not written in my voice for quite some time now. I pull together articles on the daily for others but not for me. My voice has been a shitfaced slur for the last 5 years……

My most important blog post

I know I come across as a completely radical hippy, I am but please hear me out. We are already in the midst of WW3 and you don’t even know it. You’re already fighting in it, you’re a soldier, just a different kind. Power is gained by control, theft and fear. Humans have fought wars…

Foraged Spring Pakoras

There are so many treats on our doorsteps we are so unaware of, especially for their culinary or medicinal uses. I for one have been trying to get a lot better at hedgerow and woodland foraging. However, here we have two of the very easiest hedgerow treats, which most people will be able to identify…

New Beginnings, Let’s Get Reacquainted!

Yep, out she crawls from the woodwork like some sort of drunken hungover mess, Nahh I’m totally fucking with ya, I ain’t drunk, or hungover or in a mess for that matter, but I am taking a short steady stroll rather than a crawl back to the land of blog-ville! Man I’ve missed writing, even…

Am I a Failure?

I posted out on Twitter earlier that I was struggling with writers block. Not a block for creative content ideas a block because of a reoccurring feeling I’m having. Am I A Failure?  Right now I kinda feel like one, here’s why. My blogging year has been a total flop! I feel like an utter…

I Lost My Way – Changes, not GDPR related

Once Upon a time, there was this little weird garden girl, who swore a lot but we can forgive her that,  as she was dead set on saving the world! But …. she got stuck for a while in the blogtastic universe and lost some (not all) of her funk. OK let me break it…

Gardening Therapy Real or Bullshit?

Did you know that in the UK 1 in 4 of the population will experience a mental health problem? In England, 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problems (such as anxiety or depression) in any given week. That IS a QUARTER of our country suffering from mental health problems. It could be…

I can’t run, I can only grow!

  This is probably one of the strangest posts I’ve written yet. I’ve been pondering how to go about an update for some time – yet I also don’t fully understand where I am with everything. But life has a funny way of unfurling (I love that word). Let’s start at the beginning.  Most of…

The Evil Truth About Being Organic!

  It’s recently been Soil Associations annual Organic September, where people strive to be fully organic or begin to make that shift over to organic lifestyle or just promote the benefits and pros of being organic and there are so many. For me, on the other hand, things aren’t quite so positive. Now I have…


For me this year, the Rose has completely stolen the show. You can really understand why it’s been in the hearts of many for millennia. With so many to choose from, they really are star performers in any garden. When I was younger and my taste wasn’t as refined as it is today, I wasn’t…